The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

How to Excel in the Face of Tough Competition

It’s easy to get stuck in the comparison trap. Especially when you’re starting out on your quest to be the Best, it’s tempting to look at other people who are farther along than you and feel intimidated—or even discouraged. Trust me, I know this feeling all too well. When I changed the focus of my […]

Stop Wasting Time and Start Living Your Dream

What’s the absolute worst distraction from your dreams? Facebook? Instagram? Texting? Hours of random TV shows? Eating and drinking mindlessly? The most dangerous distractions are the ones that you don’t know are distracting you. That’s why it’s so important to name your distractions of choice—so you can take ownership of them. This week, I’ll show […]

How Many Years Does It Take to Be the Best?

I’m a little obsessed with being the Best. And when I share that with people, there’s one thing they want to know: “How long does it take to be the Best?” (Watch the video above to hear my answer!) When I share my number, it sometimes knocks the wind out of people. They’re intimidated by […]

Do you want to be the Best or do you want to be happy?

There are more than 60,000 books on Amazon right now with “happiness” in their titles. And Google gets searches in the hundreds of thousands every month for “happiness,” “happy” and “pursuit of happiness.” The only logical conclusion? As human beings, we’re very interested in the idea of being happy. But how does happiness fit in […]

How Do I Know If My Vision Is Good Enough?

I love big, impossible dreams because, when you commit to them, stuff happens—faster than you’d think. Now, when I share this concept, I get a ton of questions, like: “How do I know if my dream is the right one?” “How do I know if this vision I have for myself is good enough?” “How […]

Even Cutting-Edge Scientists Need the Power of Story

Who do you surround yourself with? Who are the people in your inner circle, who shape your thinking and influence your ideas? Dawn and I attended an event in Utah recently with some amazing cutting-edge scientists, and doctors and researchers on health and longevity, and it prompted two insights I want to share with you: […]

Approaching 2021 with Resilience

As you look back over this last year, I want to encourage you to think a little differently. Early in the year, I asked you to consider the whole decade in front of you. I also challenged you to create a plan for fulfilling on your biggest, most impossible dream over those 10 years. With […]

Checking In While the World Checks Out

A lot of people look forward to the holidays as a chance to check out. I do things a little differently. I use the holidays to check IN. The holidays are the perfect time to revisit your dreams. To take stock of your training. To lead and focus on your vision for the future. AND, […]

How to Deal with Fear So It Can’t Hold You Back

If you ask people what emotions they lived in this past year, I bet fear will come up over and over. So I wasn’t surprised when I got this question from one of the members of my A-Lister Facebook Group: “Bo, has fear ever held you back from getting what you want?” Of course it […]

Finding the Emotional Start of Your Story

I’m the youngest of five kids. I’ve done three marathons. I started my dream business in my 40s. These details may sound simple, but they can become the start of your story. In fact, they can become the guts and the emotional core of a powerful narrative that makes people pay attention. When you find […]