As Seen On...

Bo's Story

Bo Eason is a former NFL standout, acclaimed Broadway playwright and performer, and international presence/story coach. He has trained with some of the world’s most brilliant performance and movement coaches, logging over 20,000 hours on stage crafting and presenting his personal story. Bo is now dedicated to helping others tap the power of their personal story and become effective, persuasive communicators.


Personal Training I want to learn how to effectively tell my own personal story in a way that connects with people on a personal level...

Corporate Training I want Bo to educate my team on how to leverage their personal story to build trust and increase sales...

Malcolm Gladwell claims it takes 10,000 hours to create an expert. Bo Eason has spent more than 20,000 hours onstage crafting his personal story.

Many trainers and speakers recognize the importance of "personal story". But none have put in the over 20,000 hours of stage experience and training that performer, NFL player, playwright, success coach Bo Eason has devoted to this craft. From presenting his critically acclaimed one-man play on Broadway to training Europe's top 100 financial advisors, Bo brings a passion to his work that inspires action and leaves a lasting impact.


Michael Margolis

Bo knows storytelling. Your story is your currency...if you learn how to tell your story you can do anything.

-Michael Margolis
CEO & Founder of Get Storied

Brendon Burchard

I’ve shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. I am convinced that Bo Eason is the greatest speaker to grace the stage in decades.

-Brendon Burchard
CEO of Experts Academy

Lisa Scolnik

As a coach, Bo is generous and caring and through this journey of sharing our message...if we fall behind, he won’t keep going, he will come back and he wil carry us across the finish line.

-Lisa Scolnick
Founder of ProduScars & Mastermind Warrior