The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Can Virtual Events Be More Intimate Than Live Ones?

I love being on stage, live, belly to belly with my audience. By the way, I love that phrase, “belly to belly,” because it captures what it’s like to have an absolutely electric connection with your audience. You can literally feel their reactions to your words. You know if they’re with you—or if they’re distracted. […]

Why True Players Have No Options

Are you a pro, or are you an amateur? In other words, are you a Player, or are you a fan? During my recent Virtual Personal Story Power Experience, I shared one of the big differences between the two: Players don’t have options. Fans have all the choices in the world. Now, maybe that doesn’t […]

In Demanding Situations, Do This

I’ve said it before, and I think it’s really fitting, given everything that’s going on right now: We’re here because our ancestors knew how to compete and survive. As human beings, we’re uniquely equipped for demanding situations like this, more so than any other animals on the planet. In times like these, I have some […]

Control This Factor or It Will Control You

Struggling to make progress right now? Or feel like you’re working really hard, but not moving as fast as you could? Check out my video above. You might not be the real roadblock here. Instead, there’s something else that might be holding you back, something that can even create and control YOU—without you realizing it. […]

Are You Telling the Wrong Story?

There’s a question I ask the most dedicated people I work with. They’re in a group we call “The Best”—because that’s what we’re all 100% committed to—and they work with me for at least a year, usually more. I ask them this: “What’s the story you’re living out?” If they’ve created a great story for […]

This Ability Will Keep You at #1

If you want to get to #1 in your game, you need to be #1 in this category, too. If you want to stay at #1 over the next 20 years and climb to the very top of the heap, this ability will get you there. I use it during and after my Personal Story […]

Your Story Lives and Dies by Its Details

When someone asks me to tell a story, I tell a STORY—even when I’m doing a casual Q&A at my Personal Story Power event. I never want to pass on an opportunity to hone my craft. And let’s be honest: I’ve never been good at operating at anything less than 100%. So when an audience […]

Are You Playing Small to Fit In?

You’re different. You know why I believe that? You’re here in my community, and the people who end up here usually are. They demand more of themselves. They push harder. They don’t settle for silver because their hearts are set on gold. And maybe you’re a little intense about your quest to be the Best. […]

Use This One Word to Accelerate Your Business

I brought in a heavy-hitter for this week’s video. One of my A-Lister community members asked me for the best way to accelerate her business. As you may know, when I made my declaration to be the best stage performer of my time, my wife Dawn was working side by side with me, finding me […]

The Advice I Would Give My 9-Year-Old Self

Have you ever wished you could go back and have a frank conversation with your 9-year-old self? Maybe share some hard-won wisdom to get you through those tough times ahead? What would you say to your younger self? That’s what BeeBee Fenix, one of my A-Lister community members asked me this week. I was excited […]

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