As you look back over this last year, I want to encourage you to think a little differently.

Early in the year, I asked you to consider the whole decade in front of you. I also challenged you to create a plan for fulfilling on your biggest, most impossible dream over those 10 years.

With this long-term perspective, how does your view of the last year change?

I don't want to gloss over the fact that this year held some setbacks. You may have experienced days of confusion, disappointment, sadness, and frustration.

But I'd love to take a minute together to reflect on what we did well this year—and how we can use what we learned to keep climbing toward our biggest dreams.

Join Dawn and me for this new video we filmed for you.

Take Action:

Take a look at your next decade and what you have planned for yourself. Within that context, what did 2020 mean for you? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!