The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Why You’re Going to Be Off-Course 99% of the Time (And What to Do About It)

Life gets in the way of our dreams. Beyond your basic distractions, you’ve got vacations, family emergencies, unexpected deadlines and more. Sometimes, life just happens. The truth is, once you commit to your dream, you’re going to be off course 99% of the time. Sounds outrageous, I know. But your job isn’t to be on […]

Who’s Influencing Your Personal Story?

You will succeed or fail based on the stories you tell. (If you’re not convinced, watch the video, and I’ll explain why.) Now, when it comes to crafting YOUR story, there’s one person who’s absolutely critical to the process. That person will be the single greatest influence on the story you’re going to share with […]

This Will Keep You Going, Even When the Journey Gets Tough

I’ve never been one to sugarcoat things, so let’s talk turkey: Your journey to becoming the Best is going to be tough. There’s going to be some pain. There’s going to be regret. There are going to be a heap of challenges. So what does it take to keep moving forward, even when you’re smaller […]

How to Be the Best, Even in the Face of Tough Competition

Do you ever feel intimidated? If you’re working in a field where the competition is tough, every day can feel like a challenge. Some days, you might even want to give up. When I decided I wanted to be the best stage performer in the world after my NFL-career-ending knee injury, I had some serious […]

How to Stop Wasting Your Time

12-15 hours a month. That’s nearly TWO full work days. That’s how much time 90% of adult Americans spend on Facebook each month, according to a study from the analytics company, Comscore. Just imagine if you could cut your Facebook time in HALF. You’d get an entire day back every month! What could you accomplish? […]

How Long Does It Really Take to Become the Best?

“How long does it take to be the Best, Bo?” I get that question a lot. And I’ll be honest with you: The answer knocks the wind out of some people. Others think I’m flat-out crazy. In fact, I’m not even going to tell you my answer yet because I want a little more room […]

I Answer Your Toughest Questions About Being the Best

I can always count on my community members to keep me accountable. I did a Q&A in my A-Lister’s Facebook group and those guys asked me some TOUGH questions. I loved it. That might sound a little masochistic, but it fired me up to see my Warrior community demanding the Best of me. They lobbed […]

Why Those TV Screens at the Gym Are a Problem—and Why It Matters, Even If You Don’t Work Out

The first time I walked into the gym near my home, I was immediately struck by how many screens I saw: 24 big-screen TVs near the treadmills. More big screens lined up in front of the stationary bikes. Plus, each of the treadmills and bikes had its own little TV built right into it. It’s […]

Why I Don’t Draw a Hard Line Between My Personal and Professional Life

You might be surprised to discover that there’s a part of my life where I don’t draw any hard lines, and I don’t have any strict boundaries. (This coming from the same guy who will tell you that becoming the Best might cost you a few friendships – and that’s okay.) But I’ve got a […]

A Lesson on Choices from the Most Motivated 12-Year-Old I Know

Life is a series of choices. And when you’re chasing your dream of being the Best, those choices can get tough. Sometimes you have to choose between things like hitting happy hour with a friend or heading home to work on your personal story as you promised yourself you would. I’m gonna be blunt with […]

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