The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

The Advice I Would Give My 9-Year-Old Self

Have you ever wished you could go back and have a frank conversation with your 9-year-old self? Maybe share some hard-won wisdom to get you through those tough times ahead? What would you say to your younger self? That’s what BeeBee Fenix, one of my A-Lister community members asked me this week. I was excited […]

The Greatest Obstacle to Your Success—Solved

“What’s the greatest obstacle to success?” That’s what my A-Lister community member, Kevin Naylor, asked me a few weeks ago. I knew the answer immediately, and it’s the whole reason I lay out my clothes for the next day before I go to sleep. Even the smallest details like this contribute to your success—or detract […]

Why a New Year’s Resolution Is Not Enough

I’ve got a big problem with New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t get me wrong: If you’re looking ahead at 2020 with some big goals for yourself, I applaud you. As I always tell you, championships are scheduled, and putting some stakes in the ground for the coming year is a great way to get better and […]

Wishing You a Merry Christmas: The Power of Traditions

I fell down on one of our Eason family traditions. If you’re a parent, you can probably guess what I forgot to do a few days ago. Yes, that’s right: I forgot to move our Elf on the Shelf, “Elfie.” My 10-year-old daughter, Lyla, was not happy to find Elfie in the same spot two […]

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone and Other Wins for 2019

It’s an ongoing battle—pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s too easy to play it safe. In your comfort zone, you’re protected, you probably won’t fail and you definitely won’t embarrass yourself. But you probably won’t achieve greatness, either. Dawn and I discussed a few weeks ago that a lot of coaches, speakers and […]

Why I “Compete” With Brendon Burchard (And Why That’s a Good Thing!)

In Part 1 of this video, I told you that Brendon Burchard inspired me to write There’s No Plan B for Your A-Game. Why did he inspire me? Because Brendon and I have a little competition thing going on—and that’s a GOOD thing. It’s a healthy competition. We push each other to be better, and […]

The “Kid” Who Inspired Me to Write My Book (and the Importance of Your Peer Group!)

Your peer group is everything. When you’re competing shoulder-to-shoulder with other Players, it naturally raises the level of your game. In my very first NFL game, I had to guard a guy who had just won an Olympic gold medal in the 4x100m relay. In other words, he was one of the four fastest men […]

How to Keep Going, No Matter What

Every year for Christmas, my dad gave my brother Tony and me a brand new football. We would throw and catch that ball 1,000 times every day for the entire year. Dad had one rule: “Don’t let the ball touch the ground.” It wasn’t a threat, it was a life lesson. That’s because Dad was […]

What’s More Important: Performance or Practice?

Pop quiz: What’s more important? a) Performance b) Practice In other words, which of these two should be the center of your universe, the place where you put 90% of your focus? I’ll reveal my answer in the video—and help you set your course for greatness. Take Action: Now that you know the answer to […]

These Three Steps Have a Habit of Making Your Biggest Dreams Inevitable

How do you achieve your REALLY BIG dreams? I’m talking the “top draft pick in the NFL” dreams. The “I want to dance like Mikhail Baryshnikov,” the “share the stage with Yo-Yo Ma,” the “top consultant who’s in such high demand that people fly you around the world for a single keynote” dreams. You know—the […]

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