The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Why Thinking Is Overrated

We’re going to start to uncover some gold right now. When you work with me, you learn quickly that you don’t have to think because I’m not a much of a thinker. Everything is from the gut. Everything is instinctual. I just think we need less strategy in this world and more instincts. I’ll say […]

The Impact of Storytelling on Your Business

When my speaking career began, I would jet off to some city, get up on stage, deliver my speech, and leave. That was it. I was just taking one speaking fee after another, and leaving 100 people or 500 people or whatever the number was, feeling disappointed because they had no way of taking another […]

How NOT to Start a Story

Storytelling is about co-creation. Whether you’re talking to just a couple of people or thousands, the point of story is to connect. I never talk to a group. I talk to a person. We are in this performance together. That’s what defines every amazing performance I’ve ever seen. The audience is a necessary player in […]

Ask Me Anything

Here is our chance to talk each other directly. If you’ve ever wanted to ask me something that will help you lead the way in every part of your life, now is the time. It’s easy. All you have to do is post your question as a comment below. I’m excited about trying this new […]

Raise the Bar

My son Axel plays basketball and during practices he and his teammates race up and down the court. Axel wins every race because he’s training all the time and constantly working on speed. Well, one day the coach says to him, “Axel, why don’t you let someone else win?” I jumped in and said, “No, […]

Dump the Distractions

I hear this all the time, “Bo, I can’t do what you’re asking me to do because I don’t have your kind of focus or I don’t have your discipline.” And then they just decide they don’t have focus and discipline—and that’s it. The fact of the matter is I don’t have any more focus […]

How to Break through Barriers

The first thing I do when I take the stage, whether at one of my events or someone else’s, is get my audience’s mindset focused. I want them to be ultra present throughout the next 60 minutes or 24 hours or 3 days; however long they’re with me for. But no matter what we’re doing, […]

Surround Yourself with The Best

Tim: I always come back to the point where I’m trying to educate people on the importance of joint inter-segmental stability and this is one of the best ways to create that stability. The workout we’re doing today is one of the best ways to create that stability. When you’ve done the preparation to create […]

Consistency in Practice

When I’m training or rehearsing for a big speech or event, some of the things I do to get ready may look a little off to those who don’t know what preparation looks like. For example, in this week’s video my trainer Tim Adams and I continue ‘rolling out on a ball’ while talking about […]

Training for the Next 20 Years

Just like yours, my life is busy. I’ve got a business, a family … a life that requires me to be in top physical shape. I’ve got to be ready to perform on a high level every day. To do that, my body has to be prepared and capable of handling the load. So when […]

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