The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Choosing The Best

Think about your relationship to practice—that is what separates the amateurs from pros. The center of our world, our communities, our families and ourselves is about practice, is about rehearsal and running all those miles. That is the center of our universe. It is our big game. It is the big show. I can promise you […]

Storytelling Mistakes to Avoid

Bo: Mary, let’s talk about mistakes. Give me the ones that really jump out. Mary: Being a reporter is a mistake. Telling your story like you’re a reporter and you’re just reporting the things that happened like, “This happened and then this happened”; that is plot but that’s only one part of what makes up […]

Doing Business with Your Story

Bo: “People’s businesses, does their story have to line up with their business?” Mary: My opinion is if you are on your life journey, if you have discovered that place where you’re doing the work that you want to continue doing—it may grow, shift and change, as you grow, shift and change—but you feel like […]

The 3 Elements Your Story Must Have

Bo: What are the top elements you look for in a good story? Mary: There are always three things I’m looking for—because one of the things people come to me for is figuring out which story to tell. Number one is it has to be something that makes you vulnerable. The one that you don’t […]

Tell Your Story Now

Everyone who works with me, either by coming to the Personal Story Power Event or joining my yearlong coaching program, knows my story structure coach Mary Kincaid. She is brilliant at breaking down story. Whenever I’m thinking of a story to use, I go to her with questions like, “Where should I start? What do […]

The Next Chapter

When I stopped playing football and started studying acting, it was survival. I had to find a place and create a platform to let all the TNT, all the energy I had played with—out. So I moved to New York City. I wanted to write. I wanted to tell my story. I wanted to perform […]

Name Your Enemy

You know the timeless story of David and Goliath, right? It’s arguably the most famous underdog story in history. The smaller, weaker opponent faces someone much bigger and stronger, and comes out on top. In the history of mankind, when someone has heard that story, did anyone ever say, “I hope Goliath wins this time.” […]

Getting Started on Your Story

“I don’t know how to start my story. Where do I begin?” It’s one of the questions I get the most. You start with a moment that made you who you are today. For a lot of us, it happens between the ages of 9 and 12. And it’s probably something that you were told […]

Why Your Story Gives You Control

People always ask me “Why is speaking so lucrative? Why is it so good?” And I always say because it is the one thing I have control over. So, today, if you took all of my money, my home, my cars, my wife, my kids and all my friends; you take away everything but leave […]

Speaking into Your Audience’s Greatness

The microphones are going to be taken by the leaders who are healthy, eventually. I don’t know when. We’re being led, for the most part, by narcissists—people who are unresolved. This is the subtext of what’s going on inside their head when they’re in front of people: “How am I doing?” They’re talking but what […]

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