The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Your Schedule Unlocks Your Destiny

I’m going to train you exactly how I train my kids and exactly how I train all of my clients—I train everyone exactly the same way. We all have a problem and it’s that we don’t have enough time in the day to practice, to rehearse, to train at the performance we have coming up. […]

Trusting Yourself Builds Deeper Connections

Bo & Dawn Unplugged, Part 3 Dawn: Can you tell them a little about what goes on backstage before you go out and speak? It’s usually you’re there about two hours or 90 minutes before your talk. I usually give you an opportunity to walk on the stage at some point. What are you eating? […]

How rehearsal time leads to greater impact

Bo & Dawn Unplugged, Part 2 Dawn: When you tell everyone, “Look you’ve got to get out there and rehearse your story,” it’s a nice idea but everyone knows how hard that really is. Can you tell us how you rehearse? Are there places you rehearse? How do you carve out time to rehearse? Give […]

Set Yourself Up to Win

Bo & Dawn Unplugged, Part 1 Dawn: I’m going to put my husband on a “hot seat” right now and I’m going to ask him a few questions for you to make sure that you guys get a little bit of an idea of how he prepares for a speech. I’m always with him and […]

Your Story Can Employ You Forever

This theater that we’re sitting in today is in my hometown. I’m performing this play in a couple of days and Dawn is producing it. It’s a fundraiser for my kids’ school. What’s so funny about this is that the first 10 or 12 years we performed this play in New York and all over […]

Using Heartache to Reinvent Yourself

How do you deal with heartbreak over something you’ve trained to be the best in the world at and now it’s over? You have a knee surgery or an injury and your dream is taken away from you. That happens to a lot of us—it’ll happen to all of us at some point. How do […]

My Secret to a Great Performance

I’m about to perform a play so I’m in here rehearsing. I’m getting turnover—repetition. It’s no different than giving as speech, toast or a presentation in the boardroom. It’s all the same. I rehearse all of that stuff. I memorize what I’m going to say over and over again because repetition is the king. Repetition […]

How to Prepare for the Stage

I’m back in the theater. The theater is really my favorite place to be. Anytime I feel like I need to create something new, I go one of two places—I go to a field, grass field, where I feel a sense of myself and I start to create out there or I come to a […]

Read less, not more

Today, we’re going to talk about books. People are always asking, “Bo, what books do you recommend?” And the truth of the matter is I say, “Not a lot.” Most books are bad. Most books that are written aren’t worth reading. It’s a waste of your time. So I’m very meticulous, I’m very particular on […]

Move Like A Predator

The first thing people say to me – and this happens every time I walk off the stage – they say to me, “Bo, how do you move the way you move on that stage?” Everybody asks that; it’s what they want to know the most. And that can all be summed up in one […]