The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Story Secrets Revealed

Bo: What is your process for bringing out someone’s most powerful personal story? Mary: I usually ask a couple of questions to find out what your business is currently and what you want to do. And then I let you talk. You tell me your story and I don’t interrupt, sometimes for 20 or 30 […]

The 3 Things Your Story Must Have

There are three things that separate telling an actual story versus just giving an anecdote where you’re relaying something that doesn’t really have import or weight to it. If those three elements are present, it can usually be developed into a really well-structured story. Bo: What are the best components of a great story? Mary: […]

Pairing Your Story and Business

People often think your story has to fit perfectly with your business. My business has nothing to do with football and I often share stories from my past, which is sports and football. I recently chatted with my story structure coach Mary Kincaid about this very topic because we both get asked about it all […]

A Special Message from Team Eason

The family that trains together, stays together—that’s how the Easons roll. Each one of us has these huge dreams we’re trying to fulfill on. To do it, we have to hold each other accountable. We do that in a lot of different ways. One of them is by training together. So many people ask my […]

Common Storytelling Mistakes

Can you make a mistake when telling a story? Yep. You can. We’ve all had the experience of listening to someone tell a story, like on a plane or at a party, and the person just goes on and on, and you have no idea why you’re still listening. Well, imagine that happening when you’re […]

Race to Greatness

I was honored to have world class sprinters Leroy Dixon and Tyson Gay join me at my last Personal Story Power Event. They’re making the same transition I did many years ago. They’re at the end of their athletic career and now what? They came to the event because they’re learning how to take what […]

Personal Story Power Event: Sneak Peek, Part 3

By the time we hit day 3 of my event, it’s just totally ON. The level of participation and energy people bring just keeps intensifying, even though we’ve had a couple of long days where we’ve worked our tails off. I always start the event by saying that we’re going to fight for each other—fight […]

Personal Story Power Event: Sneak Peek, Part 2

“If you want to command Mother Nature, you must obey her.” The way I move on stage has everything to do with that quote. I move the way I do because I am true to my own nature. But most of us are so far from who we are naturally that we’re stumbling into Starbucks […]

Personal Story Power Event: Sneak Peek, Part 1

The energy on the first day of my Personal Story Power Event is electric. Actually, every day of it is, but there’s nothing like when you hit the stage for the first time. And the first thing I do once I’m out there is to bring everyone else up there too. This event is for […]

Why You Must Master What You Read

So many people say you’ve got a read a book a week or a book a day or a book a minute and that hasn’t ever been my way. Who says these kinds of things anyway? That’s not my disposition. I’ve always read very few books but I make them my own. I internalize that […]

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