The Best

Be The Best Blog with Bo Eason

Storytelling Expert, Former NFL All Star, Broadway Playwright & Motivational Speaker Helping You Achieve Greatness

Your One-Word Challenge This Week | Business Psychology

I’ve got a simple challenge for you this week. It’s simple—but it’s not easy. However, the rewards could be HUGE. Here’s the challenge: This week, you’re only allowed to use this one word. My wife, Dawn, and I used this strategy to build our entire business from scratch. If you’re willing to embrace it, I […]

My Favorite Part of Personal Story Power | Behind the Scenes at My Storytelling Event

Prepare. Perform. Recover. That’s all I do—and that process becomes especially important in a week where my team and I put on my signature storytelling event, Personal Story Power, in La Jolla. Most people think they should focus most of their energy on that second mode, performance. Today, I want to remind you how important […]

Two Examples for How Storytelling Can Build Your Business

The power of story isn’t just for public speakers. Let’s say you want to build an incredible new skyscraper in New York City. That’s your vision. That’s your dream.  You better have a story.  No one’s going to necessarily listen to your vision.  But they are going to listen to the story that’s building that […]

The Key to Great Public Speaking: What Kids Know

There’s a saying in Hollywood: “Never work with kids or animals.” (Apparently, it’s something legendary performer W.C. Fields once said.) A lot of people think it’s because kids and animals are unpredictable and hard to work with. But here’s the truth: It’s because if you’re on stage with a kid or an animal, no one […]

Storytelling Invented Occupations for Me | Business Storytelling

“Bo, I want you to write a screenplay for me.” “Bo, I want to fly you to Hawaii to speak for an hour.” You know what I said to both of these opportunities? “Oh, I don’t do that.” (I know, I know. Big mistake! But this was way back when I’d just reinvented myself as […]

If You Have This, No One Can Look Away | Storytelling for Leaders

Trends come and go. I’m not about catering to the latest thing or chasing shiny objects. I’m about strategies that have worked for tens of thousands of years.  Humans have been telling stories since the caveman days. Stories kept us safe. They kept us alive—and they helped the human race thrive. And when you combine […]

Turn Your Embarrassment into a Powerful Story to Tell

Ever wonder what all those participation trophies are about? Here’s my theory: So many people in today’s society want to be perfect. No one wants to struggle—or see someone else struggle and fail.  But, here’s the deal—and I think you know this—life doesn’t work that way. Everyone struggles. Everyone fails. And everyone’s embarrassed themselves at […]

Your Lowest Moment = Storytelling Gold | Storyteller Tactics

When I transitioned from being a pro football player to an actor and playwright, I hired the Best—legendary director and acting coach Larry Moss. (He’s the guy Helen Hunt thanked when she won the Oscar for As Good as It Gets, and he prepped Leonardo DiCaprio for several of his Oscar-nominated roles.) So when Larry […]

Two Tips to Get People to Listen to You

Trust is at an all-time low right now.  In this type of environment, how do you get someone to stop and actually listen to what you have to say? (After all, if they won’t listen to you, how can you turn them into a client—or influence them to take the next step with you?) This […]

The 250-Year-Old, Proven Strategy for Turning Dreams into Reality

Hot dogs. Fire trucks. Parades.  Growing up in my little town, that’s what the 4th of July was about. Today, I still think about those things, but I also think about this 250-year-old experiment we’re living, here in the United States.  Back in 1776, it was a pretty radical idea for the 13 colonies to […]

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