When you're on a mission to be The Best, you have to make some changes in your life. And, at some point, you're going to get some “push back” from the people who love you.

It's definitely going to happen at some point. Whether you're incorporating strategies you discovered at Personal Story Power or putting in place a new training routine, your friends and family may question this new dream you're pursuing.

That's only natural, and there's a simple way to approach it.

By using this strategy I'll share with you in the video above, you'll put the people in your life at ease without killing your enthusiasm and momentum. Check it out now.

Let's focus on the positive. Even as we have people who will question what we're doing, we'll also have some people who love us enough to support us unconditionally as we chase our dreams. Who are the supportive people in your life? Give them a shoutout in the comments so we can honor them together.