In my ongoing mission to help you be the BEST, I pulled out my top 5 most popular videos of all time. Use these 5 mini-trainings to give you that extra boost of power to continue to do whatever it takes to get to the absolute top of your game.

Everybody asks me, “Bo, how do you move the way you move on that stage?” It’s what they want to know the most. And that can all be summed up in one sentence that I heard a very smart person say:

“If you want to command Mother Nature, you must obey her.”

I move the way I move because I am true to my own nature. Most human beings who have been on this earth long enough are so far from their nature that they don’t move like a real human being, like a real human predator.

You and me, human beings, we're predators. We are the smartest predators on the planet, the most dangerous, the most lethal, but also the most noble and trustworthy. We are just magnificent beasts.

Culture, society and the media have launched such an attack on this word “predator.” We give this title to the lowest end of human kind. We give it to people who cross boundaries. Sexual predators, for example.

Why would we give the lowest end of our society one of the greatest monikers ever? That’s an attack on the achievers, on people like you and me. And that's why most people become self-conscious with the way they move. They've forgotten what it means to move like the predator Mother Nature created us to be.

We have to get back to our nature. I'll show you how in this #1 video from my BEST of the BEST series.

Once you do, people won't be able to look away from you. You're going be me magnetic. Because being a predator, and not apologizing for it, is undeniable. Watch the video above to rediscover your true nature.

Share your thoughts with me. Have you harnessed your predator nature? Or do you feel the need to hide it? Let me know in the comments. Once you try some of the techniques in the video, make sure to come back and let me know what happens. I think you're going to see immediate results.