I want to talk to you today about environment, your environment. I had a mentor when I was younger, and he taught me one of the most important lessons that I ever learned in my whole life, which I still hold true today.
The lesson was this; you must be willing to destroy everything in your life that is not excellent. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? You must be willing to destroy everything in your life that is not excellent.
It sounds SO HARD, right? So tough, right? But consider this; consider why you were born, why are you here. What is your birth right? What is your obligation to that birthright? We were put on this earth to be the best. We have talked about this over and over again. So often people opt for fitting in to their environment rather than being loyal, and obligated to their birthright, to being the best.
You must surround yourself, with people who see greatness in you. A lot of times I will work with people over a weekend, and they will go home. After the weekend they will reintegrate themselves into their homes, in their communities, in their workplaces. And they will get pushback form people, because they have seen something, they have talked about something in an environment that was committed to being the best.
You were surrounded by people who saw only greatness in you and expected it from you. Then when you get home you get pushback, because people aren’t used to having that conversation. Those people, my argument is, are far from their nature. They’re disconnected to their own natural disposition, because our natural disposition is to achieve, is to be the best, is to survive, that’s our natural disposition.
It is natural for us to be the best, and then protect that lineage of being the best.
So I want you think about your environment right now, right now. Think about your home environment. Is that equivalent to you being the best?
Now think about your work environment, the office, the field, the stage, your working environment, is that equivalent to your being the best in the world at your job?
Think about your relationships. Think about the distractions that you have in your life. They might be social, they might be TV, it might be distracting yourself, self medicating yourself in some way, that’s your environment. Is that environment, is your environment, right now take inventory right now, is that environment equal to you being the best in the world at what you do?
This is what I want you to do; if it is not, you have to start extricating yourself from that environment. You must build an environment of people who only see greatness in you, and support the change and the behavior that you are going to make, this new mindset that you have.
It is not new it is natural. They are the ones who are disconnected with their nature; you are the one who has nature on your side.
My dad always told us, “Surround yourself with people who see greatness in you.” He built an environment around my family, where being the best was expected. In fact second place wasn’t, we didn’t count second place, we didn’t think about it, it wasn’t in our environment.
So what environment are you creating for your employees, for your family, for the people in your community? Then, what is the environment they are creating for you? If they are not creating, the one that takes you to the very top, then you get out of it. You won’t even have to get out of it, what happens is people around you who are committed to mediocrity, will begin to leave you.
Who are you going to have a conversation with about this dream that you have to achieve the top level in your field? That’s a very lonely position, but it is okay, because it is natural and you have nature on your side.
Know that you are going to be alone, and know that you are going to get some pushback. Every time you are alone and every time you get pushback, guess what, that’s proof that you are on the right path. That is proof in the work that we do. Anytime someone goes, “Well who are you to be the best, that’s conceited, that’s bragging.” Oh really?
Look, I was born, the day I was conceived, there was 300 million sperm released and who won that race, I did, you did. So you tell me, who is the best? You were the best way before I met you, okay.
So no one can tell you that that’s being conceited and that’s bragging. It is not, it is what you were born to be. Your environment must be equivalent to the best. Start to eliminate all in your life that is not excellent, and being the best is the best, you know why? Because it is the only market that is not crowded.
So today clean up your environment, so that it is equivalent to you reaching the levels you want to reach. If it is not, leave it, let them go because they are committed to something you are not, they are committed to mediocrity, I don’t want any part it. I don’t want my kids to have any part of that, not interested, okay.
So, clean up your environment, be the best, it’s the only market that is not crowded. I’ll see you next time.