I've got a simple challenge for you this week.
It's simple—but it's not easy. However, the rewards could be HUGE.
Here's the challenge:
My wife, Dawn, and I used this strategy to build our entire business from scratch. If you're willing to embrace it, I know it could be huge for you, too.
Want to know what that word is? Watch the video above to find out.
I'll give you a hint: It's only three letters.
What it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in power.
Find out what this word is—and why it can be a game-changer for building your business this year. Watch the video above.
Your Marching Orders
- Leverage the power of this word for an entire week, and watch the opportunities appear.
- While you're at one of these opportunities, see how many people you can make a genuine connection with.
- Once you're done, grab your journal so you can capture the results and start to see the real power of this three-letter word.