People always ask me “Why is speaking so lucrative? Why is it so good?” And I always say because it is the one thing I have control over.

So, today, if you took all of my money, my home, my cars, my wife, my kids and all my friends; you take away everything but leave me one thing—my story—I’ll get it all back in 90 days. You know why? I control my life. I control my employment. I get to say how much money I make. I say how many people come to my events. I control everything because I have a platform and I have something to say.

Once you have that, you employ yourself forever. You don’t ever have to wait for the phone to ring again. Once you start using all the miles you’ve run and scars you’ve collected to share yourself and connect with others, it’s over. And it doesn’t matter what kind of field you’re playing on.

All any of us is look for, inside of business and out, is connection. There is no line in story. Story is irrefutable. It is undeniable. That’s why it’s so effective. It erases every dividing line that there is and bonds us. That’s why for centuries, since the beginning of humankind, story is the one thing that has stood the test of time.

Your story is connection. Tell me how you’re going to use it.