The audience doesn’t want to see you be perfect on stage. What we really want to see is your humanity.

So when you’re rehearsing your story, it’s not to get every word right, it’s to attach the essence of your story to your molecules. So that it’s inside of you. By the time you’re on stage, you’ve practiced so much that you’re free and can let go because you know that you can trust every word that comes out of your mouth.

Freeing yourself up, even getting reckless, on stage is a good thing. Human beings don’t want to see perfection. We don’t want you to be measured. We want to see your humanity. I want you to free yourself up when you’re in front of people and sharing your story because that’s who you are naturally. We’re not in the business of containment. We don’t like it. We’re in the business of freedom and expression. The assignment I often give the people I coach is to tell me the story you don’t want to tell. Tell me that one. Because I’ve got a feeling that your goal, your dream, lies in that one and you won’t be able to hold back.

Watch the video to see what I mean. Then go to my Facebook page, like it and tell me how you feel when you’re in front of people.

Are you free? Or are you playing it safe?